s.t.r.u.k.t.u.r. is a collaborative exhibition curated by Eva Sjuve in 2004
at artist::network in New York City, May 7- June 5
Struktur is a critical examination of the underlying structures in art and society
Participating artists were Jim Costanzo, New York, David Goldenberg, London,
Trebor Scholz, New York, Ilze Black, London, Wim Salki, The Netherlands,
and Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Ireland, US.
s.t.r.u.k.t.u.r. is a critical examination of the underlying principles of
structures in art, culture and communication. the Gallery acts as an interrelated space,
connected like a network node with the local community and the global network. each
artist creates work based on process and exchange with the general public, by using
the internet, cell phones or through dialogue in the Gallery, creating hybrid authorship
of the artwork.
Participating artists were
jonah brucker-cohen with "public desktop", by
using an application that is dynamically updated, the desktop image transforms into a
global comment-board. theorists, critics and artists from around the globe are invited
to write comments straight to the desktop in the gallery.
david goldenberg, ilze black, and wim salki with "dreaming about the future", the artists
create a Think Tank in the gallery, visioning the future of art practice in the year 2030.
the gallery will be a place for exchange and ideas in a participatory process through
discussions in the galery, and online, as well as workshops
jim costanzo "datamap_2004" , by using the internet to transfer data to the gallery
costanzo expose how we are all part of the digital global economy and surveillance.
there will be a daily update of the datamap with a comment-board.
trebor scholz with "twenty-four dollar island", creates a collaborative map of Lower Manhattan
by inviting citizens to contribute their stories to an online database, a way to expose the
history hidden in downtown new york city.